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  2. Specs
  3. Newsletter / Email Specs

Sponsored Content Specs

Please provide the following materials for your sponsored content (including sponsor spotlight and school spotlight).

Review newsletter best practices ยป

Standard Sponsored Content

Specifically for the following newsletters: Arts+Culture, Design+Home, Dining In, Dining Out, Family, Recap, Travel, Weekend, Wellness

Screen Shot 2024-01-20 at 3.34.30 PM

600 pixels x 315 pixels
We recommend a photo/graphic that has little to no text on it.

75 characters max.

30 words max.

Target URL
Provide the page URL to direct readers to.

3 words max

See Examples: Arts+Culture; BizSTL Leadership; CITY SCene (Soccer); Design+Home; Dining In; Dining Out; Family; Recap; Solutions; Spirits; Travel; Weekend; Wellness

Sponsor Spotlight

Specifically for the following newsletters: BizSTL Leadership, CITY SC Scene, Solutions, and Spirits


600 pixels x 600 pixels
We recommend a photo/graphic that has little to no text on it.

75 characters max.

40 words max.

Target URL
Provide the page URL to direct readers to.

3 words max

See example of Sponsor Spotlight 

School Spotlight 

Specifically for the following newsletter: Family 

Screen Shot 2024-01-20 at 3.33.46 PM

600 pixels x 315 pixels
We recommend a photo/graphic that has little to no text on it. Our team will add the "School Spotlight" border.

75 characters max.
Idea: Highlight a Quick Look, fun fact, or accolade from your profile in your School Spotlight.

Choose an emoji that fits the theme of your School Spotlight content or curriculum. This will be placed at the end of the headline.
Recommendations: ๐Ÿ“š ๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿ€ โ™Ÿ๏ธ ๐ŸŽญ โœ๏ธ ๐ŸŒŽ ๐Ÿงฌ 

30 words max.

Target URL
Provide the page URL to direct readers to.

3 words max (or, we can link your school's name, as shown in the example above)

See example of School Spotlight

Note: All provided text may be edited in accordance with formatting/style guidelines and best practices.