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Newsletter Best Practices

The best techniques to help produce optimal results for newsletter sponsorship campaigns

Sponsoring an SLM newsletter can help you increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, and educate a target audience that aligns with your brand.

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Target a Relevant Audience

  • Identify goals and objectives
  • Choose a newsletter that aligns closely with your target audience
  • Tailor your message to that audience and their interests

Have a Powerful Message

  • Headline — consider using a statement of intent, a question for the reader to answer, or an affirmation that resonates with readers. The goal is not to promote your product or service, but to inform readers how the content below relates back to them.
  • Copy — make sure to be descriptive and that it matches the product you are marketing. The copy must be in third person.
  • Call to action —Make sure the URL is directly related to the content that is being written. This will ensure a better reader experience.

Drive Engagement

  • Send the right message at the right moment — consider aligning the content with what is happening during that month, season, etc.
  • A call-to-action is a MUST — 3 words or less that are specific to your content, conversational, and will lead the reader to your site (Examples: Plan your trip, Reserve your seat, Find a summer camp, Get your tickets)


  • Include an image — we recommend little to no copy on the image to catch the reader's eye.
  • Most subscribers view newsletters on their phones, so it's important the graphic is legible on smaller screens.

Keep Things Fresh

  • Adjust the messaging throughout your sponsorship campaign to keep content fresh and engaging for the audience
  • The same messaging should not run longer than 4 weeks, and we strongly recommend you update the image each week.



    Laumeier Art Fair's Culture newsletter sponsorship | see it here

    Why it works: Published the week of Mother's Day, Laumeier's sponsored content speaks to a timely, upcoming event. The copy appeals to the interests of Culture newsletter subscribers and provides enough info about the event without being overwhelming. The call-to-action is encouraging in a friendly and low-pressure way. 


    Visit Effingham's Weekend newsletter sponsorship | see it here

    Why it works: Sent to Weekend newsletter subscriber in May, this message speaks to people who might be looking for fun weekend trip ideas in the upcoming months. It informs the reader of the festival and guides them to the event website for specific details.