Targeted Display

Reach our premium audiences based on their location and interests.

audience-extensionWe serve programmatic advertising to the niche audience(s) of your choice. Programmatic advertising strategically serves your ads to users of websites based on their unique location and interests. Using geofence technology, your message will reach the right person at the right time and the right place.

Choose from the following audiences/interests:

  • Entire SLM Network
  • Dining
  • Spirits 
  • Arts + Culture
  • Family
  • Home + Design
  • Health + Wellness
  • Travel
  • Civics
  • Sports

Package Details*

This is a 6—month minimum investment with three tiers of investment:

  • 250K impressions / month: $4,000 / month
  • 120K impressions / month: $1,920 / month
  • 75K impressions / month: $1,200 / month

*Package details all depend on the tier of your choice.


Example Targeted Display Campaign

During the month of January, Lodging Hospitality Management (parent company of St. Louis Union Station) implemented a targeted advertising strategy aimed at SLM's niche audiences in the areas of Family, Culture, Dining, and Soccer (see creative above).

In addition, the campaign focused on individuals who had visited and showed an interest in topics related to young families, grandparents, food enthusiasts, soccer aficionados, downtown visitors, and those interested in attending events in the area.