Special Section: Live Local, Give Local Specs

Please provide the following assets, with which we will build your profile.

2023-live-local-main-graphicSee 2023 Live Local, Give Local Profiles »

See 2023 Online Live Local, Give Local Profiles »

Go To: Spread SpecsFull Page Specs / Half Page Specs / Quarter Page Specs 


  • Your photos must meet the size requirements ( listed below) and at a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Any photo that is sent with a different orientation or larger dimensions will be cropped to fit this space.
  • Please avoid using first-person pronouns and possessives (we, our, etc.).
  • Text will be edited by SLM in accordance with our formatting and style guidelines. You will receive a proof to review prior to the issue going to press. If you require assistance in writing, please let us know.
  • Profile design is subject to change; examples are for demonstration purposes only.

Spread Specs

See example


  • Photo Specifications
    • Up to six photos to fill a 12" wide by 5" tall space
  • Body Copy:
    • 480 words
    • Each paragraph can have a heading
  • Tagline:
    • 50–80 characters
  • Call Out Box:
    • 250 characters
    • Example: Join The Salvation Amy in the fight for good with your time, talent, and resources. Volunteer this Christmas by bell ringing at a red kettle, or at food pantries and shelters year-round. Every donation, big or small, helps change lives and provide hope.
  • Contact Information
    • Phone Number, Website

Full Page Specs

See example


  • Photo Specifications
    • Up to four photos to fill a 7" wide by 5" tall space
  • Body Copy:
      • 175 words
  • Tagline:
    • 50–80 characters
  • Call Out Box:
    • 250 characters
    • Example: Join The Salvation Amy in the fight for good with your time, talent, and resources. Volunteer this Christmas by bell ringing at a red kettle, or at food pantries and shelters year-round. Every donation, big or small, helps change lives and provide hope.
  • Contact Information
    • Phone Number, Website

Half Page Specs

See example


  • Photo Specifications
    • Up to two photos to fill a 3.25" wide by 4.5" tall space
  • Body Copy:
    • 175 words
  • Tagline:
    • 50–80 characters
  • Contact Information
    • Phone Number, Website

Quarter Page Specs

See examples


  • Photo Specifications
    • One photo to fill a 3.25" wide by 2.25" tall space
  • Body Copy:
    • 65 words
  • Tagline:
    • 50–80 characters
  • Contact Information
    • Phone Number, Website