Special Section: Law Firm Q&A Specs

Please provide the following assets, with which we will build your profile.

Go To: Spread Specs / Full Page Specs / Half Page Specs / Quarter Page Specs / Questions


  • Your photos must meet the size requirements ( listed below) and at a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Any photo that is sent with a different orientation or larger dimensions will be cropped to fit this space.
  • Please avoid using first-person pronouns and possessives (we, our, etc.).
  • Text will be edited by SLM in accordance with our formatting and style guidelines. You will receive a proof to review prior to the issue going to press. If you require assistance in writing, please let us know.
  • Profile design is subject to change; examples are for demonstration purposes only.


Spread Page Specs

See example

  • Photo Specifications
    • Up to five photos to fit within a 17"wide x 7.5" high space
  • Photo Cutline
    • Please provide the name(s) of people in the photo, listed from left to right. To make captions easy to follow on photos with groups, it is best to have people lined up in clearly defined rows.
      • Example: FROM LEFT: John F. Smith, Jane Doe.
  • Headline
    • 10–20 words (Up to 100 characters)
      • Example: A Record of Success in State and Federal Courts All Over the Country; Marta Papa Helps Clients Divorce During the Pandemic Without Going to Court
  • Law Firm Name
  • Body Copy
    • Up to 300 words
  • Q&A Callout Box
  • Contact Information
    • Address, Phone Number, Website
      • Note: Listing numerous locations will require a lower word count for your main text.


Full Page Specs

See example

  • Photo Specifications
    • Vertical Photo: 5" wide x 8.5" high
    • Horizontal Photo: 8.5" wide x 5.5" high
  • Photo Cutline
    • Please provide the name(s) of people in the photo, listed from left to right. To make captions easy to follow on photos with groups, it is best to have people lined up in clearly defined rows.
      • Example: FROM LEFT: John F. Smith, Jane Doe.
  • Headline
    • 10–20 words (Up to 100 characters)
      • Example: A Record of Success in State and Federal Courts All Over the Country; Marta Papa Helps Clients Divorce During the Pandemic Without Going to Court
  • Law Firm Name
  • Body Copy
    • Up to 275 words
  • Q&A Callout Box
  • Contact Information
    • Address, Phone Number, Website
      • Note: Listing numerous locations will require a lower word count for your main text.


Half Page Specs

See example

  • Photo Specifications
    • 3.5” wide x 3.5” high
  • Photo Cutline
    • Please provide the name(s) of people in the photo, listed from left to right. To make captions easy to follow on photos with groups, it is best to have people lined up in clearly defined rows.
      • Example: FROM LEFT: John F. Smith, Jane Doe.
  • Headline
    • 10–15 words (Up to 90 characters)
      • Example: A Record of Success in State and Federal Courts All Over the Country; Marta Papa Helps Clients Divorce During the Pandemic Without Going to Court
  • Law Firm Name
  • Body Copy
    • Up to 175 words
  • Q&A Callout Box
  • Contact Information
    • Address, Phone Number, Website
      • Note: Listing numerous locations will require a lower word count for your main text.



Quarter Page Specs

See example

  • Photo Specifications
    • Horizontal photo: 2.5” wide x 2” high (preferred) 
    • Vertical photo: 2” wide x 3” wide
  • Photo Cutline
    • Please provide the name(s) of people in the photo, listed from left to right. To make captions easy to follow on photos with groups, it is best to have people lined up in clearly defined rows.
      • Example: FROM LEFT: John F. Smith, Jane Doe.
  • Headline
    • Up to 6 words (Up to 50 characters)
      • Example: Practical Solutions  for Complex Problems
  • Law Firm Name
  • Body Copy
    • Vertical photo layout: Up to 75 words
    • Horizontal photo layout: Up to 65 words
  • Contact Information
    • Address, Phone Number, Website
      • Note: Listing numerous locations will require a lower word count for your main text.

Choose from these questions for the Q&A portion of your profile:

  • What sets your law firm apart from others in terms of expertise and approach?
  • How does your firm ensure personalized attention to each case?
  • Can you highlight a recent case or achievement that showcases your firm's capabilities?
  • How does your firm foster a collaborative and supportive environment for its legal team?
  • How does your firm stay updated with the latest legal developments and technologies?
  • What strategies does your firm employ to maintain a balance between tradition and innovation in legal practice?
  • How does your firm address diversity and equity within the legal profession?
  • How is your firm adapting to new trends in legal services?