Special Section: School Profile Specs

Please provide the following assets, with which we will build your profile.

Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 11.37.58 AM

See 2023 School Profiles »

Go To: Full Page Specs / Half Page Specs / Quarter Page Specs


  • Your photos must meet the size requirements ( listed below) and at a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Any photo that is sent with a different orientation or larger dimensions will be cropped to fit this space.
  • Please avoid using first-person pronouns and possessives (we, our, etc.).
  • Text will be edited by SLM in accordance with our formatting and style guidelines. You will receive a proof to review prior to the issue going to press. If you require assistance in writing, please let us know.
  • Profile design is subject to change; examples are for demonstration purposes only.

2023 Full School ProfileExampleFull Page Specs

See example

  • Photo Specifications
    • Up to four photos to fill a 7” wide by 6” high space
  • Headline
    • Short headline that summarizes your article; Up to 15 words or 80–90 characters
  • Body Copy
      • Up to 300 words
    • Contact Info
      • School name, address, phone number, website
    • 2023 Full School ProfileExample-QFQuick Look
      • As a part of a “Quick Look” section of the profile,
        we will need current figures for the following:
        • Grades
        • Total Student Enrollment
        • Student/Teacher Ratio
        • Cost
        *Please keep the Quick Look figures as clear and concise as possible. Information will be edited to fit the available space.

    2023 Half School ProfileExampleHalf Page Specs

    See examples

    • Photo Specifications
      • Two photos; each approx. 3” wide by 2” high
    • Headline
      • Short headline that summarizes your article; Up to 10 words or 50-60 characters
    • Contact Info
      • School name, address, phone number, website
    • Body Copy
      • Up to 150 words
    • 2023 Half School ProfileExample-QFOther Information
      • As a part of a “Quick Look” section of the profile,
        we will need current figures for the following:
        • Grades
        • Total Student Enrollment
        • Student/Teacher Ratio
        • Cost
        *Please keep the Quick Look figures as clear and concise as possible. Information will be edited to fit the available space.

    2023 Quarter School ProfileExampleQuarter Page Specs

    See examples

    • Photo Specifications
      • One photo; 3.3” wide by 2” high
    • Headline
      • Short headline that summarizes your article; Up to 10 words or 50-60 characters
    • Contact Info
      • School name, address, phone number, website
    • Body Copy
      • Up to 60 words
    • 2023 Quarter School ProfileExample-QFOther Information
      • As a part of a “Quick Look” section of the profile,
        we will need current figures for the following:
        • Grades
        • Total Student Enrollment
        • Student/Teacher Ratio
        • Cost
        *Please keep the Quick Look figures as clear and concise as possible. Information will be edited to fit the available space.