Special Section: School Open House Guide Specs

Please provide the following assets, with which we will build your profile.

2023-open-house-main-graphicSee 2023 School Open House Guide »

Go To: Print Specs 


  • Please avoid using first-person pronouns and possessives (we, our, etc.).
  • Text will be edited by SLM in accordance with our formatting and style guidelines. You will receive a proof to review prior to the issue going to press. If you require assistance in writing, please let us know.
  • Profile design is subject to change; examples are for demonstration purposes only.

2023-open-house-guidePrint Specs

See example

  • Contact Information
    • Address, phone number, website & email
  • Open House Date 
  • Application Deadline
  • Acceptance Notification Date
  • “Did you know” fact about your school (35 words max).