Podcast Sponsorship Specs

Please provide the following materials for your podcast sponsorship.

Note: All provided text may be edited in accordance with SLM formatting/style guidelines and best practices. We are happy to help workshop copy if we receive some information to start with. Please provide pronunciation of anything that might need clarity. Episodes will be recorded up to a month prior to airing—make sure your message is evergreen or relevant at the time the episode is being released.

Presenting sponsor:

  • Business Name ("This episode is sponsored by...")
  • One 15–30 second pre-roll or mid-roll ad highlighting your company's brand, initiatives, products, services, upcoming events, or more. 
  • Links to your Facebook, Instagram, and X (Twitter) pages.

Secondary sponsor:

  • Business Name ("This episode is supported by...")
  • One 15–30 second mid-roll or post-roll ad highlighting your company's brand, initiatives, products, services, upcoming events, or more. 

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Listen to examples

Sponsor recognition at beginning of episode:

Mid-roll ad read: