Enhanced Listing Specs

Please provide the following assets, with which we will build your profile.

See Top Senior Care Digital Enhanced Listings »

See Top Dentists Digital Enhanced Listings »

See Top Doctor Digital Enhanced Listings »

Go To: Digital Enhanced Listing Specs 


  • Your photos must meet the size requirements ( listed below) and at a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Any photo that is sent with a different orientation or larger dimensions will be cropped to fit this space.
  • Please avoid using first-person pronouns and possessives (we, our, etc.).
  • Text will be edited by SLM in accordance with our formatting and style guidelines. You will receive a proof to review prior to the issue going to press. If you require assistance in writing, please let us know.
  • Profile design is subject to change; examples are for demonstration purposes only.

Digital Enhanced Listing

Keep in mind, if you ran a profile in print, those profile elements will be taken to build your digital enhanced listing.

These sponsored listings show up at the top of the page.

    • Practice name, address, phone number, website
    • Up to 5 photos, video, and Google map
    • Company logo
    • Company overview (up to 400 words)