Branded Content Article Specs

The following assets are used in order to build out a branded content article.

A branded content article is not a story about your company; rather, it’s a story that encompasses your brand’s values and attracts your target audience through engaging messaging. By incorporating your brand as a resource for information—not the source of it—you’ll be better equipped to gain, and keep, potential consumers’ attention. We like to focus on being educational and being a resource of information, rather than a promotion.

Our SLM team will work with the advertiser to produce and write the article. This will consist of setting up a zoom meeting with our content strategist to discuss goals, topics, and angles for the article.

Going into these meetings, we'd love to know if you have any topics in mind you'd like this article to touch on. The more information we have in hand, the more progress we can make in the meeting. If you do have something in mind, please share any context for the following questions. If you are still looking for guidance and potential topics, our content strategist will work with you in this meeting to determine the best avenue for the story.
  • What goals are you hoping to achieve with this article?
  • What ideas or topics would you like this article to focus around?
    • Do you have any articles or information that you can share with us on this topic beforehand?
  • Do you have anyone in mind that we could interview and ask a few questions, regarding this topic, in order to gain more insight and be able to offer a personal testimonial to the article?

Parts of an Article:

    • Branded Content
  • DECK
    • SLM Partner Studio
    • Up to 1,000 words, including one mention of your business
    • 2-4 work best
    • This post was created by St. Louis Magazine Partner Studio on behalf of [your name]. Visit their site to learn more about [your specialty].

Check out some example branded content articles »

Review branded content best practices »

Note: All provided text may be edited in accordance with formatting/style guidelines and best practices.